Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Lazy Pol

Hey friends, I know I know I got lazy these days! Kind of forgot about you and am happy that accprding to my statitics some of you keep checking in.

So for now, here's a test that my friend Peter just sent in from FarEast and that is truly amazing:

Try this test. Scroll down and do the quiz as it instructs and find out what movie is your favorite. It really works! This amazing math quiz can likely predict which of 18 films you would enjoy the most. Don't ask me how.

Pick a number from 1-9.

Multiply by 3.

Add 3.

Multiply by 3 again.

Now add the two digits together to find your predicted favorite movie in the list of 18 movies below.

Be honest, and do it before you scroll down to see the list below. It's easy and it works.

Now look up your number in the list below...

1. Gone With The Wind
2. E.T.
3. Beverly Hills Cop
4. Star Wars
5. Forrest Gump
6. The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
7. Jaws
8. Grease
9. The Joy of Anal Sex with A Goat
10. Casablanca
11. Jurassic Park
12. Shrek
13. Pirates of the Caribbean
14. Titanic
15. Raiders Of The Lost Ark
16. Home Alone
17. Mrs. Doubtfire
18. Toy Story

It is really amazing, isn't it?

I really hope you didn't pick number 9.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

En Tram fir d'ADR ??

Op den RTL message iwer dem ADR seng Iddi fir e Redferendum hun ech desen Commentaire um RTL site agin:
"Ech fannen et schued dass d'ADR an albekannter Manéier et clever ferdegbrengt, den City Tunnel ze accaparéiren. Do werde lo dann all di aner menge missen dergéint ze sin. Ech sin wirklech kee Frend vu oder vun der ADR, ma et kann e jo awer fir den City Tunnel sin! D'Politik huet an deser Fro hir Credibilitéit verlur. Si soill sech em nach mi wichteg Sache kemmeren an dobei eis Geld spuren. D'Vollek huet dés hin an hir Gezerrs vun an alle Parteien méi wi saat! Den City Tunnel ass fir mech dei bei weitem logeschsten Projet, dén bis lo um Desch leit. Trotzdem hun ech ausnahmsweis neischt géint e Referendu: Sugur di schlechst vun alle Léisungen ass besser wi de status quo! Ech sin sugur fir e verbindlechen Referendum (wann dat da legal méiglech wir), an fir een wu all Birger vu Letzeburg (Land a Stad), also och eis auslännesch Matbirger, ofstemme können! De fait, dass der e gudden Deel vun hinne scho mi weit wi den Letzeburger Tellerrand gesin hun, kennt bei der Qualitéit vun engem gudd informéierte Choix nemmen positiv sinn."

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Not only thousands of dead....

Besides at least 34.000 civilians killed in Iraq - alone in 2006 !!! , UN secr.gen Ban Ko Moon points out to the dramatic fact that every eighth Iraqi was chased from the crisis hit country since the friendly visit there by American liberators. Some 1.9 Million people ran away from there villages to neighbouring countries and need urgent help!

Luxembourg gouvernment supports the UN refugee works with 550.000 € - and Jean Asselborn and Luc Frieden are ashamed and keep suffering from having to be diplomats ( hypocrats) when they show up at every little cocktail reception at the concrete fortress in boulevard Servais.... They are extremely successsfull at showing their wide smiles on every photograph with Mme Wagner, the US Ambassador. The - seemingly - perfect supporters of that atrocious US President.

Virginia Tech, weapons and all.

I've gone back to my Luxembourg based blog after quite a while as I believe I should activate it with stuff that is worth writing down in my perspective.

The event of today is still focused mainly on the Virginia Tech shooting of 32 helpless people and on the obvious question of arms availability.

American commentators will of course never learn and move away from there arms industry point of view. The worst comments I read today are: if everyone of the 32 people who got killed, had been allowed to bring a weapon into the school, the disaster would have been far less dramatic...

By the way: The Bushman found the Virginia Tech event "horrendous". He probably gave up looking at news reports - or at least at casualty figures from Iraq, Afghanistan and other places where he is responsable for just as "horrendous" events every few days.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Luxembourg weblog: the autor

I am pretty much involved in the Luxembourg political, social and public "scene", which I observed and lived in for many years as a local "Burger".
In recent times - probably by getting older :-) - I feel an urge to get across to what I think and feel about certain things that happen or that I observe in my environment.

The weblog approach seems to give this to me, as it is public and discreet.

Obviously my name is not available, and this will allow me to say or write quite openly what I believe. It is my conviction that even in a quiet little country like Luxembourg, there may well be freedom to think, but clearly not to publish. That freedom is certainly restricted in many ways.

Saying what I believe eg in matters of politics and religion would in many ways hurt the companies that I am involved in as a businessman and the people who work with me.

I plan to do so here, and maybe reveal my identity some time when I retire.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

De Moni aus Amerika (Ugly American)

Die Tatsache, dass der grausige Dennis Hastert, der schlimmste Falke und Kriegstreiber ausserhalb des White House, die Vereinigten Staaten bei den 60 Jahrfeiern der Rundstedt Offensive (Battle of the Bulge) vertritt, ist eine Gemeinheit gegenüber all jenen, die irgendwie mit dem 2. Weltkrieg zu tun hatten.

Die Art, wie die Rummsfelds, Hasterts, Wolfowitze und Bushs das Wort Liberation sehen ( sie bewiesen dies absolut eindeutig u.a. im Irak) hat aber auch rein gar nichts mehr mit der politischen Sicht der Dinge von Ike Eisenhower und General Patton zu tun.

Dass ein Dorf wie Osweiler mit einem (sozialistischen!!!) Bürgermeister sich Jahr für Jahr unter starken Kosten für den Besuch von Moni Hastert (dessen Vorfahren dort geboren wurden) herausputzt, ist ein an sich eher Lächerlichkeit der in den Bereich der Fanfares locales, des stolzen Feuerwehrkorps und des Folklores abgetan werden kann. Der stolze "sozialistische" Bürgermeister von Osweiler hat (nach seiner Anbiederung bei Grünen, ADR und DP bei den nationalen Wahlen) genügend bewiesen, dass er mit dem bleibenden Linken Element der LSAP nichts am Hut hat.

Danièle Fonk vom Tageblatt und deren hervorragenden redaktionellen Mitarbeiter haben da weitaus besser reagiert: sie haben den hässlichen Falken Hastert auf keinem Foto der dreiseitigen Tageblatt-Reportage gezeigt oder erwähnt.

( Für Leser die es nicht wissen sollten, Falk Hastert ist der grosse Vorsitzende des amerikanischen Representenhauses und somit der zweit-wichtigste Bürger der amerikanischen Hierarchy - als hemmungsloser Kriegstreiber demnach ebenso gefährlich wie das Arschloch im Weissen Haus).